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Bears !

September 01, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

                                                                              My Alaskan Bear Encounter  



     Recently returning home from a vacation to  Alaska, I took some time to reflect and process the recent vacation to the Last Frontier. An unforgettable trip and experience but what I keep reflecting on was the  spiritual experience that revealed just how much GOD protects me. Let me explain.

     My close friend Natalie and I flew on a bush plane to Lake Clark National Park and stayed as a guest with my dear friends James & Shelia Isaak. They invited us to stay in James’s father’s trapper cabin about a hundred yards from the main lodge. (Alaska Homestead Lodge) The Trapper cabin is surrounded by woods on three sides with a couple of out buildings and a log woodshed from the 1950's. The open side of the cabin was opened to the Sedge grass meadow all the way to the shoreline of the Cook Inlet. The sedge meadows is where the great bears of the Lake Clark National Park gather each summer in wait for the Silver salmon run from the Cook Inlet into the Silver Salmon creek. The bears graze on the high protein grasses and berries in the surrounding areas in wait for the fishing to start. Photographers come to photograph them so this is where the Alaska Homestead lodge gets most of their business from. The lodge was full the two days with photographers thus the reason Natalie and I stayed at the old trapper cabin. I actually loved staying there. It was full of nostalgia from an old Alaskan trapper and old articles, photos, even the old man's clothing. I am not a fan of trapping these beautiful animals and some of the photos of the fox and wolf pelts made me sick to my stomach. I understand it was the old way. The trappers carried their pelts into Anchorage to the Fur Rendezvous each year for income. Back to the story after I set the scene up. 

      James and Shelia told Natalie and I not to go outside unless we went together due to never knowing when a bear encounter would happen. There was more safety in twos than a lone person out alone. We walked from the trapper cabin along the meadow to the lodge twice a day, just the two of us, so we were always looking in all directions. I counted twenty bears and cubs at one time in the meadows on the first day.

    After the first day of photography and visiting with James and Shelia we returned to the cabin to rest for the evening but it was still light at 1130 PM. After going inside and sitting in the recliner, Natalie began to look through her own pictures. I decided to go back outside the cabin to photograph this old log wood shed with many old fishing buoys and nets and such. I thought it would be an interesting photo. I would estimate the distance to the cabin from the woodshed to be about 30 feet. I looked around in all directions and walked over to the woodshed to begin photographing the shed at different angles. Next, I squatted down to get a photo at a different angle. 


     As a side note, when I am photographing a subject I get into my head and my heart and everything around me dulls out. I guess I get into it so much that I am oblivious to my surroundings. I do pray before I go out every day on these photo trips for protection from evil people, the beast and any fatal accidental fall. It is a routine of mine because I do wander deep into the forest and mountain trails so often.

     Now, while I am squatted down, I hear a huff sound directly behind me. I recognized the sound. BEAR ! They usually huff as a warning or nervousness or both. I began to turn my head slowly to the left and this large sow came into view about 5 feet off my left shoulder. She was walking right past me with a cub in tow. She never looked directly at me while I looked at her. I stood up promptly out of instinct. When I stood the cub who had come into view turned broadside as it surprised him. When he looked at me with a very surprised glance, I said "Whoa bear", the mother did not even turn around but kept walking straight into the forest. The cub followed her nervously looking back at me every few seconds. I did not move until my body and mind let me and I took a photo as they disappeared into the forest. There was no sound except the huff. I never heard them walk up, past or into the forest. They are so incredibly quiet. The adrenaline hit me hard and it took 30 minutes for me to feel settled. I realized how that bear could have taken me out without me even knowing what hit me from behind. In hindsight, I am glad she huffed before I actually saw her. It gave my brain time to process her behind me and probably prevented my overreacting from surprise then panic. If she had walked beside me before I became aware of her, I might have not reacted safely which might have triggered her predator instincts. Later, I realized the enormity of how God protects me. A week later I began to put it all in perspective and I believe God used this experience to show me that although it feels the predators are on top of me....God protects those who love Him. I can rest knowing he will steady me, protect me even in times of danger, causing the "predators in life to pass me by. I will be able to stand in their presence without a scratch if I acknowledge my life is in His hands and put faith in his ability to care for me in all situations. This principle and truth applies, especially when we are oblivious to dangers approaching us quietly and we are unaware. It is so powerful to see the spiritual truth in this experience with the sow and cub.  After this experience, God is showing me, through the Holy Spirit, how He is always in it the entire time and working things for my good. (In life).  I love him very much. He is like a protective grandfather. A grandfather and father I never had. He is always there. What kind of love is as pure, trustworthy, and protective as God's love? None. I am humbled by His faithfulness to care for me. There are so many souls and followers out there in the world and to think he cares for all of us and is with us all at the same time. 

 I wanted to share this incredible experience, one I will never forget, as a testimony and an example of the wonderful nature of our Lord.  I know the secular world might only see a stupid move that turned out lucky for me.  I see it as a God thing.... A God Wink. Proof of God's faithfulness.



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